Dyskusje 雷神奇俠 3:諸神黃昏


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@bratface said:

Is this supposed to be funny?


May be ..... With Hulk the Clown.

These are funny too ..... Thor 2, Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3.

But the one that takes the cake home ...... is Endgame. It couldn't be more funnier.

Is it... like... weird that I really want some Robocop pyjamas now?

@bratface said:

@JustinJackFlash said:

@Midi-chlorian_Count said:

I don't think I've seen Dark World but Ragnarok is probably one of my favourites of the Marvels.

Like a fun, better version of Flash Gordon.

Yeah, that's exactly how I'd describe it. But if you're not really following the MCU films and aren't familiar with the characters then the humour would probably go over your head.

I'd say the first two are kind of like Flash Gordon too. But an extra tacky Flash Gordon that's trying to be grandiose, mythical and dramatic. Whereas Ragnarok actually embraces it's Flash Gordon side. Waititi knows what to do with it.

You know, that's what I was thinking yesterday: Flash Gordon! Pure cheese. Also, I know who most of the characters are, I just didn't follow the Marvel movies.

I meant more that you may need to have been following the personalities and interplay between all the characters in the MCU films up till that point. Or maybe not, I don't know.

But did Thor go into space & did they have bazookas, spaceships, etc. in the comics?

I'm no expert, but probably. They seem to go everywhere and do everything at some point in Marvel comics.

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