출연진 74

  1. Basil Rathbone

    Basil Rathbone

    Richard - Duke of Gloucester

  2. Boris Karloff
  3. Barbara O'Neil

    Barbara O'Neil

    Queen Elyzabeth

  4. Ian Hunter

    Ian Hunter

    King Edward IV

  5. Vincent Price

    Vincent Price

    Duke of Clarence

  6. Nan Grey

    Nan Grey

    Lady Alice Barton

  7. Ernest Cossart

    Ernest Cossart

    Tom Clink

  8. John Sutton

    John Sutton

    John Wyatt

  9. Leo G. Carroll

    Leo G. Carroll

    Lord Hastings

  10. Miles Mander

    Miles Mander

    King Henry VI

  11. Lionel Belmore

    Lionel Belmore

    Beacon - a Chamberlain

  12. Rose Hobart

    Rose Hobart

    Anne Neville

  13. Ronald Sinclair

    Ronald Sinclair

    Boy King Edward

  14. John Herbert-Bond

    Young Prince Richard

  15. Ralph Forbes

    Ralph Forbes

    Henry Tudor

  16. Frances Robinson

    Frances Robinson

    Duchess Isobel

  17. G.P. Huntley

    G.P. Huntley


  18. John Rodion

    Lord DeVere

  19. Walter Tetley

    Walter Tetley

    Chimney Sweep

  20. Donnie Dunagan

    Donnie Dunagan

    Baby Prince

  21. Stanley Blystone

    Stanley Blystone

    First Gate Guard Greeting Tom Clink (uncredited)

  22. Joan Carroll

    Joan Carroll

    Lady Mowbray (uncredited)

  23. Caroline Frances Cooke

    Woman (uncredited)

  24. Jean Fenwick

    Jean Fenwick

    Lady in Waiting (uncredited)

  25. Robert Greig

    Robert Greig

    Friar Cautioning John Wyatt (uncredited)

  26. Holmes Herbert

    Holmes Herbert

    Councilman (uncredited)

  27. P.J. Kelly

    Beggar (uncredited)

  28. Murdock MacQuarrie

    Murdock MacQuarrie

    Councilman (uncredited)

  29. Merrill McCormick

    Beggar (uncredited)

  30. C. Montague Shaw

    C. Montague Shaw

    Majordomo (uncredited)

  31. Ann E. Todd

    Ann E. Todd

    Princess (uncredited)

  32. Ernie Adams

    Ernie Adams

    Thirsty Prisoner (uncredited)

  33. Richard Alexander

    Richard Alexander

    2nd Gate Guard Greeting Tom Clink (uncredited)

  34. Harry A. Bailey

    Councilman (uncredited)

  35. Reginald Barlow

    Reginald Barlow

    Sherriff (uncredited)

  36. Ted Billings

    Ted Billings

    Beggar (uncredited)

  37. Ed Brady

    Ed Brady

    Beggar (uncredited)

  38. Louise Brien

    Louise Brien

    Lady in Waiting

  39. Howard Brooks


  40. Georgia Caine

    Georgia Caine


  41. Harry Cording

    Harry Cording

    Lead Murderer of the Children

  42. Nigel De Brulier

    Nigel De Brulier

    Archbishop at St. John's Chapel (uncredited)

  43. Fred Farrell

    Beggar (uncredited)

  44. Martin Faust

    Martin Faust

    Dighton (uncredited)

  45. Al Ferguson

    Al Ferguson

    Cleric (uncredited)

  46. John George

    John George

    Spy (uncredited)

  47. Robert Greig

    Robert Greig

    Friar Cautioning John Wyatt

  48. Frank Hagney

    Frank Hagney

    Soldier (uncredited)

  49. Sibyl Harris

    Sibyl Harris


  50. Ivo Henderson


  51. Colin Kenny

    Colin Kenny


  52. George Lloyd

    George Lloyd

    Moat Guard

  53. Michael Mark

    Michael Mark

    Henry VI's Servant

  54. James Pier Mason
  55. Charles Miller


  56. Arthur Mulliner


  57. Claude Payton


  58. Charles Peck

    Page Boy

  59. Russ Powell

    Russ Powell


  60. Evelyn Selbie

    Evelyn Selbie

    Beggar Woman

  61. Venetia Severn


  62. Yvonne Severn


  63. Edgar Sherrod


  64. Ivan F. Simpson

    Ivan F. Simpson

    Anne's Protector

  65. Jack C. Smith


  66. Arthur Stenning


  67. Donald Stuart

    Donald Stuart

    Torturer Bunch

  68. Denis Tankard


  69. Cyril Thornton


  70. David Thursby


  71. Claire Whitney

    Claire Whitney

    Civilian Woman

  72. Guy York Jr.


제작진 31


  1. Richard H. Riedel

    Art Department Assistant

  2. Jack Otterson

    Art Direction

  3. Russell A. Gausman

    Set Decoration


  1. Arthur Gerstle

    Assistant Camera

  2. Edward Colman

    Camera Operator

  3. George J. Teague

    Camera Technician

  4. Henry Schuster

    Camera Technician

  5. George Robinson

    Director of Photography

의상 & 분장

  1. Vera West

    Costume Design

  2. Jack Pierce

    Jack Pierce

    Makeup Artist

  3. Otto Lederer

    Otto Lederer

    Makeup Artist

  4. Sam Kaufman

    Makeup Artist


  1. Ford Beebe

    Ford Beebe

    Second Unit

  2. Fred Cavens

    Technical Advisor

  3. Gerald Grove

    Technical Advisor

  4. Major G.O.T. Bagley

    Technical Advisor


  1. Fred Frank

    Assistant Director

  2. Rowland V. Lee

    Rowland V. Lee



  1. Paul Landres

    Assistant Editor


  1. Rowland V. Lee

    Rowland V. Lee



  1. Ralph Freed


  2. Louis Forbes

    Music Coordinator

  3. Charles Previn

    Music Director

  4. Frank Skinner

    Frank Skinner

    Orchestrator, Original Music Composer

  5. Bernard B. Brown

    Sound Supervisor

시각 효과

  1. Jack Cosgrove

    Visual Effects

  2. Russell Lawson

    Visual Effects


  1. Robert N. Lee


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