Über Mad Love diskutieren

So what about the hands?! The movie abruptly ends after Gogol is killed. Are we to assume that Stephen had another surgery and got new, non-murderous hands?

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I've seen this movie at least a couple times in recent years (though not within the last five, I don't believe) and know it's a remake of 1924's The Hands of Orlac. I know what the Silent film's resolution is. But whether both movies share the identical resolution, I no longer recall. In the Silent The Hands of Orlac, concert pianist Paul Orlac's new hands never truly were the murderer's; Orlac had only been falsely led to believe that they were. So, all along, his replacement hands were "good." Here's the Wikipedia article about the Silent film:


And here's the TMDb starter thread I've just now created for that film:


I highly recommend that movie, and think you'd like it.

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