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Acknowledged as one of the greatest singers of the twentieth century, Arena explores the rise of the legendary crooner Frank Sinatra from his early family background to overwhelming show business success. Interviews with friends, family and associates reveal a star-studded career in music and film alongside a fascinating private life of four marriages, liaison with the Kennedy family, Las Vegas business interests and an alleged association with the Mafia

  1. Alan Lewens


주요 출연진

  1. Frank Sinatra

    Frank Sinatra

    Self (archive footage)

  2. Vic Damone

    Vic Damone

    Self (archive footage)

  3. Tim Conway

    Tim Conway

    Self (archive footage)

  4. Mel Brooks

    Mel Brooks

    Self (archive footage)

  5. Richard Attenborough

    Richard Attenborough

    Self (archive footage)

  6. Mia Farrow

    Mia Farrow

    Self (archive footage)

  7. Ava Gardner

    Ava Gardner

    Self (archive footage)

  8. Ali Ballantyne

    Self - Narrator (voice)

총 출연진 & 제작진

Frank Sinatra: The Voice of the Century
Frank Sinatra: The Voice of the Century

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