Family Pictures (1993)

1993. 03. 20. (US) DramaTV Movie 3h 3m
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Nina Eberlin comes home to visit her now-divorced parents and while looking through a collection of pictures taken by her father and herself, she reflects on how the pictures illustrate the nature of families. She begins to tell the story of how her parents discovered their son Randall was autistic and how each reacted to that. Her mother had three more kids, all daughters, "the perfect children." The controversy over that and Randall's treatment pulls the parents apart. It also forces Nina and her older brother Mack to re-evaluate their relationship with each other and each parent.

  1. Philip Saville


  2. Jennifer Miller



  1. Anjelica Huston

    Anjelica Huston

    Lainey Eberlin

  2. Sam Neill

    Sam Neill

    David Eberlin

  3. Kyra Sedgwick

    Kyra Sedgwick

    Nina Eberlin

  4. Dermot Mulroney

    Dermot Mulroney


  5. Jamie Harrold

    Jamie Harrold


  6. Sarah Campbell

    Liddie (9)

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Family Pictures
Family Pictures

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