بحث Up the Ladder

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You climb up the ladder through the trap door, but the door is jammed. With every might in your body, you thrust your shoulder into the door until it pops open. You climb up, quickly look and feel around the dark room for something to jam the door shut with. You feel the handle of a broomstick and use it lock the handle of the door with the floor, then take a few steps back. You hear jingling sounds and see little spots of light moving around the walls and notice that from the ceiling are shards of broken mirror glass hanging down. Then all of a sudden, you hear loud thumps and the floor shaking as the man with the twisted teeth is trying to bang the trap door open with his ax. You keep looking around for a weapon and but see nothing but the faces of his other victims staring back at you from the shards of glass hanging from the ceiling. Then suddenly, the trap door flies open and the man with the twisted teeth emerges from the floor.

“Do you like my collection?” He asks.

“What are you?” You ask back.

“These are my friends; each one will be with me forever.”

You look bewildered as he explains how every soul he captures is stored in a shard of each of these broken shards. Like broken souls, trapped in an endless void. And now, you’re trapped too. Dismayed by the possibility of living in some twisted realm within the confines of some shards of glass, you grab one that is hanging near you and charge the man with the twisted teeth with it. He pulls back on the handle of his ax and thrusts it into your gut. You fall back dropping the shard of glass. With blood on your hands, you hold them up as the man with the twisted teeth reaches behind him and pulls out a piece of broken mirror glass and begins to advance towards you.

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