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Was Carey Mulligan Miscast? Don't get me wrong, she's a great actress I'm just not sure she was the best person for the role.

Isn't Bethsheba supposed to be incredibly beautiful? I mean so much so that it influences all of these men to pursue her so strongly.

Carey is a pretty girl and I personally love the way she looks, but I'm not sure she was right for the role. Or maybe it was the way it was written, directed or they deliberately decided to taker her performance in another direction. I mean, there are more striking women in this very movie! Juno Temple is arguably better looking.

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@Renovatio said:

Isn't Bathsheba supposed to be incredibly beautiful? I mean so much so that it influences all of these men to pursue her so strongly.


Yes, of course Bathsheba stands out as quite the lovely, but also fiercely driven to succeed against hardships of farm living, the life for her.

Now, not having heard of this 2015 adaptation before now, but of course the 1967 "Far from the Madding Crowd" film (directed by John Schlesinger), and of course its Hardy novel, the 1967 production does follow rather closely to its original source.

Add to that the fact that the lovely Julie Christie stars as Bathsheba Everdene, and there you clearly tell the similarities between author's intent and director's casting.

Indeed, such wonderful talent underscores the Schlesinger direction, this starring (get this cast!) Julie Christie as Bathsheba Everdene - Terence Stamp as Frank Troy - Peter Finch as William Boldwood - Alan Bates as Gabriel Oak - Fiona Walker as Liddy - Prunella Ransome as Fanny Robin - Alison Leggatt as Mrs. Hurst - Paul Dawkins - Julian Somers - John Barrett - Freddie Jones - Andrew Robertson - and - Brian Rawlinson.

So, never heard of the 2015 piece, nor familiar with its cast, but just to agree with the point that Bathsheba (pronounced "BATH-she-ba, here not pronounced as Bath-SHE-ba, the one in the romantic triangle with Uriah the Hittite and King David) really is supposed to stand out as quite beautiful enough to find herself in the romantic rectangle with William, Frank and Gabriel).

I have to say, I thought Carey Mulligan was fine! She's gorgeous (admittedly, not so much in this film, but in general she is), and her acting was great too!

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