Never Look Back (1952)

01/01/1952 (GB) Drama 1h 13m
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Anne Maitland, a female lawyer, receives an unexpected late-night visit from ex-boyfriend Guy Ransome. She agrees to let him sleep on the sofa but he must leave the next morning. When he returns home he finds that his girlfriend has been murdered. His former lover agrees to defend him without telling the court that he spent the night with her. Complications ensue.

  1. Francis Searle

    Director, Writer

  2. Guy Morgan


  3. John Hunter


Top Billed Cast

  1. Rosamund John

    Rosamund John

    Anne Maitland, K.C.

  2. Hugh Sinclair

    Hugh Sinclair

    Nigel Stewart

  3. Guy Middleton

    Guy Middleton

    Guy Ransome

  4. Henry Edwards

    Henry Edwards

    Geoffrey Whitcomb

  5. Terence Longdon

    Terence Longdon

    Alan Whitcomb

  6. John Warwick

    John Warwick

    Inspector Raynor

  7. Brenda De Banzie

    Brenda De Banzie

    Molly Wheeler

  8. Arthur Howard

    Arthur Howard

    Charles Vaughan

  9. H.S. Hills

    Frank Lindsell

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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