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Gimmie a break... Tobey Maguire as Bobby Fischer?!

Horrible casting idea... This had potential to be a much better movie, but the casting is too compromised and the movie is far too banal and safe... It doesn't compare to the documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World... https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/67885-bobby-fischer-against-the-world

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Yes, Toby Maguire may not be a dead ringer for Fischer, and yes the film may take extended liberties with reality, but I thought Maguire did well enough in this. I enjoyed it by taking it as a fictional film examining the mindset of a brilliant mind with mental health issues. Yes, it's not exactly new theme for a film, but I thought it was executed quite well.


He did a great job. I never saw Fischer on tv or anything back in the day, so any lack of resemblance didn't bother my like it usually does.

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