Über Machete diskutieren

If you have followed or read any of my previous posts then you know I tend to get a little long winded and teetering on a soap box. Machete is a Mexploitation/revenge flick starring Danny Trejo (Dusk Till Dawn), Jessica Alba (Sin City). The plot revolves around an undercover cop hired by a corrupt businessman played by Jeff Fahey to kill a senator (Robert De Niro). Trejo winds up being set up and exacts revenge. Machete is pure exploitation and in this case works. Don Johnson is cast as a racist border patrol agent and don't ask why but Steven Segal makes an appearance. The film is gritty, dirty, nasty with over the top violence and gore. (Machete strangles a man with his own intestines for goodness sake). The reason this film works is because Trejo is a bad ass and we are treated to Cheech Marin as a priest with duel shotguns. I'll even forgive LoLo (Lindsey Lohan) spraying duel uzis during the climactic battle. Two sequels were made featuring Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen. So sit back, crack open a bottle of Dos Equis, and enjoy some action.

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I don't think that Machete in Space has been released as of yet. I could be wrong however on release dates. Just checked I.M.D.B and according to it Machete Kills in Space has been announced but no release dates or info on filming yet.

I actually enjoyed Machete Kills more than Machete.

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