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I was confused by the dates and thought Lenny was too young to be Bobby's son. If you examine the movie and add it all up carefully, it does add up:

The movie begins with the caption "The Ridge.....Early 60's"

If Lenny was old enough to drive in 1985, he would have to be at least 16, which would put his year of birth at 1969. If he was a high school senior, he would be 17 or 18, which would put his year of birth at 1967-68. Assuming the latter, Counting 9 months of pregnancy, Emily would have become pregnant with Lenny at the very earliest, sometime in 1966. (We never knew what time of year Lenny was born.) Even if the movie was placed a couple years before 1985, the "Early 60's" title card is pretty accurate.

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By what definition is 1966 "Early 60's". By definition, "Early 60's" would have to be before 1965 ("Mid 60's"). Typically when speaking about decades it's 0-3 is early, 4-6 is Mid, and 7-9 is Late.

Also, the fashions in play are much closer to pre-British Invasion.

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