Legion girdisini tartış

3 yanıt (toplam 1 sayfanın 1.sayfasında)

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Granny's one of the more grounded parts of what's a seriously unrealistic movie. I mean, I know it's fantasy, but I just could hardly buy it at all.

@CelluloidFan said:

Granny's one of the more grounded parts of what's a seriously unrealistic movie. I mean, I know it's fantasy, but I just could hardly buy it at all.

Well that's why it's called a fantasy. Kinda defeats the purpose of your post.

@Billions said:

@CelluloidFan said:

Granny's one of the more grounded parts of what's a seriously unrealistic movie. I mean, I know it's fantasy, but I just could hardly buy it at all.

Well that's why it's called a fantasy. Kinda defeats the purpose of your post.

You are not the first person to argue against me here recently in terms of genre definitions. Most of my posts are thoroughly thought-out; the one up above that you quoted wasn't. I guess I was having a less than great day in terms of posting. I'd like to think that sometimes I could get a "pass" here in terms of posts, but maybe not. Mea culpa....

Bir filmi veya diziyi bulamıyor musun? Eklemek için oturum aç.


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