Two-Edged Knife (1989)

1989/06/21 (BR) 범죄 1h 37m
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Paulo is a rich lawyer who has a happy and comfortable family life, with his kid and very loyal to his wife. But when he finds out that the woman is cheating on him with his business partner and best friend, he decides to execute a perfect plan that involves murdering both and easily getting away with murder. However, Paulo's plans are about to be ruined due to some unpredictable factors involving powerful people, plenty of money, the kidnap of his son and a tenacious inspector following his steps.

  1. Murilo Salles

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Fernando Sabino


  3. Alcione Araújo


  4. Leopoldo Serran


주요 출연진

  1. Paulo José

    Paulo José

    Jorge Bragança

  2. Marieta Severo

    Marieta Severo

    Sônia J. Amado

  3. José de Abreu

    José de Abreu


  4. Pedro Vasconcelos

    Pedro Vasconcelos

    Paulo Sérgio (Cuca)

  5. Flávio Galvão

    Flávio Galvão

    Marco Aurélio Amado

  6. Paulo Goulart

    Paulo Goulart

    Delegado Olímpio Veloso

  7. José Lewgoy

    José Lewgoy

    Álvaro J. Amado

  8. Ursula Canto

    Vera Lúcia

총 출연진 & 제작진

Two-Edged Knife
Two-Edged Knife

원제 Faca de Dois Gumes

상태 개봉됨

원어 포르투갈어

제작비 -

수익 -


입력된 키워드 없음.

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