The Children of Noisy Villageについてのディスカッション

Henrik Larsson is the football player, which has been playing in other movies. But the Bosse in this movie should be someone called Nils Magnus Henrik Larsson, who is an actor and writer.

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Hi, r0mulus.

I've never personally seen (or heard of) this movie, but checked on IMDb just now and see they list Henrik Larsson as portraying Bosse, like TMDb lists.

Looking on his IMDb biography page this, it indicates that his birth name was Nils Magnus Henrik Larsson - which perfectly matches the name you mentioned.

Having said that, in my opinion, the b&w picture that shows for Henrik Larsson on IMDb doesn't look to be of the same person (even taking aging and colour photography into consideration) who the TMDb profile picture shows: So I don't know whether two different men have have gotten mixed up or not.

Meanwhile, here's the Wikipedia article for the man who we, here on TMDb, show as Henrik Larsson: That clearly is a different person, biographically, than who IMDb lists as Henrik Larsson.

Thus, there, indeed, is an obvious mix-up.

In the TMDb database, the following person clearly is the football player Henrik Larsson: ? He's who the TMDb colour profile picture is of.

What happened is that someone added the picture for the football player to the actor's TMDb page - though the link, immediately above, is actually the proper TMDb profile page for that football player.

You should submit a Content Issues report, from the correct actor's TMDb profile page, indicating that the wrong person's picture is presented for him.

The correct Henrik Larsson's TMDb profile page is linked to The Children of Noisy Village. However the picture needs replacing with a shot of the correct Henrik Larsson.

Thank you for the quick reply. I can have a look into this. It is possible that Henrik Larsson (the man in the picture) has been acting in som other movies, but he is more known as a football player and nowadays coaching a football team. But hey, they have all had a dream of being actors in some way...

I'm creating a new profile for Nils Magnus Henrik Larsson, the one who is doing the part as Bosse in the movie The children of noisy village. I can also have a look if the football player has been a part of other movies and, in that case, I can add him to the correct movie instead. I will also see if I can find some more information on both and update their profiles. I hope that is okay?

Or will I just complicate things?

Hi, rOmulus. I revised some of what I wrote, above, just before you posted your reply. Therefore if you read, again, what I wrote, some bits, here and there, are now improved.

We have the correct TMDb profile page (Henrik Larsson, born 1977; IMDb # nm0489196) linked to this movie, but the man's picture is wrong (showing the football player, rather than the actor). You can update the existing profile page to include the full birth name in the Alternative Names field, plus submit a Content Report for that listing, indicating the picture is of the wrong person.

Here's the football player's IMDb listing:

That perfectly matches the IMDb # that was added to the following Henrik Larrson's TMDb profile page: In the Changes history, you'll see the football player's IMDb # nm1418875 appear:

Perfect. Just noticed what you added. I will do that. Thanks!

I actually added a bio sentence and the birthdates/places and birth names for each man within recent minutes. So their listings are now "good to go". relaxed

The actor:

The footballer:

You actually should re-link the original Henrik Larsson to this movie, as he's definitely the correct person (just his picture needs replacing).

There. I've just fixed the pictures of both "Henrik" and re-linked the correct Henrik Larsson to this movie. Thanks for all the help!

Excellent! All looks great! thumbsup_tone2



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