Incident at Blood Pass (1970)

12/18/1970 (US) ActionDrama 1h 58m
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In the Edo period, a nameless ronin accepts an assignment to go to a mountain pass and wait. Near the pass he stops at an inn where a collection of characters gather, including a gang set on stealing shogunate gold that's soon to come over the pass. When the Ronin's assignment becomes clear, to help the gang, he's ordered to kill the inn's residents, including a woman he's rescued from an abusive husband. He's reluctant to murder innocent people; then he learns that the gold shipment is a trap and he's part of a double cross. How he sorts through these divided loyalties tests of his samurai honor, and perhaps of his love for a woman.

  1. Hiroshi Inagaki


  2. Ichirō Miyagawa


  3. Hajime Takaiwa


  4. Hideo Oguni


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Incident at Blood Pass
Incident at Blood Pass

Original Title 待ち伏せ

Status Released

Original Language Japanese

Budget -

Revenue -


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