بحث Star Trek: Nemesis

I know it's not the best -- the action scenes are totally out of place and blatant, and the crew is showing signs of age, but I still think this is a fun one. Maybe even my second favorite 'Next Generation' feature next to 'First Contact.' Anyone else like this one?

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by SkippyTexas:

I know it's not the best -- the action scenes are totally out of place and blatant, and the crew is showing signs of age, but I still think this is a fun one. Maybe even my second favorite 'Next Generation' feature next to 'First Contact.' Anyone else like this one?

@I dont care for dazzling space battles ..I prefer personal drama and there was a lot of that between Picard and Shinzon…This is one of my top favourites followed by Star Trek IV and ST: First Contact.

There is a lot of human conflict even in “The Wrath of Khan “ but I’m just not a fan of Ricardo Montalban so I didn’t even like Space Seed…both plots were good but I wished another actor had played Khan. The only thing that makes TWOK watchable for me is the last part when Spock dies.

I agree that Nemesis isn't the best ST movie. But it's a long way from being the worst. That 'honour' goes to Insurrection.

My feeling is that the poor box office of this movie was because it followed a really bad movie and people didn't want to take the risk again. Plus there was an awful lot of ST going on in TV at the time.

The main problem with Nemesis is that not a lot of the story makes any kind of sense. It's like it was sliced out of a broader narrative that is completely hidden to us. You can't just have a kid being sent down the mines suddenly appearing years later with the quadrant's most powerful death ship that he had built in secret. Somehow that has to be explained.

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