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A review by casinoslotguy

Written by casinoslotguy on October 4, 2014

Pretty strange movie. If you're into very dark odd movies, then this one is for you. Samuel L. Jackson, plays his typical wanna be tough roll. India Eisley plays a very watchable Bad A$$. Definitely worth a watch, if you like watching girls kick a$$

A review by GenerationofSwine

Written by GenerationofSwine on January 13, 2023

I guess it is based on the censored version...however not being an Anime fan I really couldn't tell you what the difference between the two are, I've seen neither, but that word "censor" is probably where it started to go wrong.

"Censored" and "artistic vision" never really seem to get along well.

Maybe the distaste was that, out the door, we were watching the edited for syndicate television version of "Pulp Fiction."

Or maybe that it seemed to be style over substance and the style part of it only lasted a few minutes.

In any case, it was a bad movie and a boring one. But, it had Sa... read the rest.

A review by Helkriz

Written by Helkriz on August 29, 2023

A good action movie with gore, violence and lots of action. First of all, it's not for everyone. It's for people who like action movies with a dark tone especially violence. Also the world is set in neo-noir style, a dark underworld and it can be disturbing for some people. So it is not for everyone.

I like to appreciate the technical team, especially the Art Director and his team for creating the world the movie is in. It was believable and realistic and as a viewer I could be there with the characters. They succeeded in setting the mood.

I like to point out the fact that it's really h... read the rest.

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