Über Star Trek Beyond diskutieren

I just read that there is going to be a fourth Star Trek Kelvin Timeline movie. JJ Abrams said that they are bringing back Chris Helmsworth's character, George Kirk. WTF? Has Abrams lost his mind!

Opinions, anyone?

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I thought the last movie kinda underperformed hence why Paramount/CBS rebooted the tv show?

It's doubtful a new movie will happen while the tv show is on air.

@fan_of_films : I totally understand your point, but I read about it in The Daily Mail (which on second thought, they might not be a reliable source of information).

Daily Mail? LOL

To quote 'you know-know' - "fake news!"


@fan_of_films grin You're right. I won't take the movie plans seriously until someone tells me they heard it on Fox News! :-)

The Chris Helmsworth news was broken while this film was being promoted and very soon after Anton Yelchin's tragic death. I thought at the time it was a clever way of getting a positive story out quickly to let us know this wasn't the end.

Plus when a minor character in your movie becomes a big star and time travel is a big thing in your universe it seems like a no brainer.

However, I think the last ones performance has knocked it all on the head.

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