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Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978)

R 09/10/1985 (US) ComedyAction 1h 37m
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A young daydreamer assumes the identity of a dead martial arts hero and quickly finds himself caught up in a plot by several clans to steal famous martial arts artifacts being transported by an escort company.

  1. Chen Chi-Hwa


  2. Tang Ming-Chi


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jackie Chan

    Jackie Chan

    Master Chang

  2. James Tien Chun

    James Tien Chun

    Master Mao

  3. Doris Lung Chun-Erh

    Doris Lung Chun-Erh

    Fung's Daughter

  4. Kim Chung-ran

    Miss Lu / Whip Hero's Sister

  5. Chin Kang

    Chin Kang

    Ying Fu

  6. Lee Hae-ryong

    Lee Hae-ryong


  7. Ma Ju-Lung

    Ma Ju-Lung

  8. Miao Tian

    Miao Tian

    Mr. Wan

  9. Lin Chao-Hsiung

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Half a Loaf of Kung Fu
Half a Loaf of Kung Fu

Original Title 招半式闖江湖

Status Released

Original Language Chinese

Budget -

Revenue -


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