Über La Ceremonie diskutieren

Item: A Judgement in Stone

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: This film was never released under the title "A Judgement in Stone" - it's widely recognized in English speaking countries by its French title: "La Cérémonie" - being released and distributed theatrically by New Yorker Films in 1995 under that title. While its source material was indeed the British novel, "A Judgement in Stone", the film was never known by this name and it seems faulty for it to be done so now

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Yeah, this needs to be remedied immediately. This is ridiculous.

At any rate, at best it's an alternate title. The best title for it remains "La Cérémonie."

Thanks for the info, Marr! Given the fact that MK2 is pushing the title they used for the festival circuit, it makes sense why someone mistakenly gave the film the "A Judgement in Stone" title on TMDB. However, that title has only pushed in non-english speaking territories and has never been an official English-language title for any theatrical or home-video release in English-speaking countries (to my knowledge). And since the reported problem refers to the English Language-US title, I would think that it still holds up that current title listing as "A Judgement in Stone" is incorrect. "La Cérémonie" still continues to be the film's title in the United States as can be seen by the fact that the current rightsholder, Janus Films, continues to name it as such - you can see the correct title listed on the Criterion Channel.

Yeah, just thought I should put some links I found relaxed

It got my attention because there were two reports about it right on top of each other! Let's let the mods decide _^

If I look at the change history, seems like the EN translated title was deleted back in 2012, and then added again recently a month ago by a mod, and presumably locked then too.

The guidelines says we have to use the title of the first non-festival English release. So we just need to find that release and confirm the title.

The details for the American release are a bit fuzzy, but most sources seem to agree New Yorker Films released the film the third week of December 1996:


In Australia, the film was rated in March 1996 and was release on May 9, 1996 under the title A Judgement in Stone. Promotional material here.

But to one we really need to research in the alleged March 1996 release in the UK. According to the BBFC the film was rated in January. This is very likely the first English language release. Anyone knows who was the original distributor?

That's a very weird guideline in this case, since this isn't some obscure film and it's almost universally known as "La Cérémonie." And besides that Etsy link, these all title it as "La Cérémonie"?

The British Film Institute doesn't list the original distributor but has its official title as "La Cérémonie": BFI

However, I did find an original UK release poster of the film, which titles it as "La Cérémonie", which does say "Released by GALA Films" at the bottom: Original UK film release poster #1 Original UK film release poster #2

Since then, every English-speaking country release of the film for home video has used the title "La Cérémonie":

In UK, here are two different DVD releases of the film, both titled "La Cérémonie": UK DVD 1 UK DVD 2

In Australia, here is a DVD release, where it is also titled "La Cérémonie": Australian DVD

In the United States, here is a DVD and VHS release of the film, also titled "La Cérémonie": US DVD US VHS

I own the VHS and I've taken pictures of it to show the title: "La Cérémonie" La Cérémonie VHS front La Cérémonie VHS back (You can also see here that even Blockbuster titled the film "LA CEREMONIE")

In the year of its US release in 1996, the film was released under the title "La Cérémonie" and it won two Best Foreign Language Film prizes from two of the most prestigious American critics award: the Los Angeles Film Critics Association and the National Society of Film Critics. On their respective websites, both awarded the film under the title "La Cérémonie": Los Angeles Film Critics Association National Society of Film Critics

The best title and what I believe to be the first non-festival English release title is "La Cérémonie"

However, I did find an original UK release poster of the film, which titles it as "La Cérémonie", which does say "Released by GALA Films" at the bottom: Original UK film release poster #1 Original UK film release poster #2

Ohh that's perfect, thanks. I spaced out and forgot about quad posters.

The best title and what I believe to be the first non-festival English release title is "La Cérémonie"

I agree! I'll wait a bit to see if @gustavohdh has more info to share, but otherwise that's the one we'll use.

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