The Birds, the Bees and the Italians (1966)

08/07/1967 (US) Comedy 1h 55m
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An anthology film that presents three storylines, all set in the Italian town of Treviso. In the first story, a husband pretends to be impotent as a cover for having an affair. In the second, a bank clerk abandons his wife for his mistress, but the rest of the town's husbands become jealous and unite to conspire against them. In the third, men of the town all seduce a promiscuous teenager, but her father eventually reveals that she is underage, and they face prosecution for statutory rape.

  1. Pietro Germi

    Director, Screenplay, Story

  2. Luciano Vincenzoni

    Screenplay, Story

  3. Furio Scarpelli


  4. Agenore Incrocci


Top Billed Cast

  1. Virna Lisi

    Virna Lisi

    Milena Zulian

  2. Gastone Moschin

    Gastone Moschin

    Osvaldo Bisigato

  3. Nora Ricci

    Nora Ricci

    Gilda Bisigato

  4. Alberto Lionello

    Alberto Lionello

    Toni Gasparini

  5. Olga Villi

    Olga Villi

    Ippolita Gasparini

  6. Beba Lončar

    Beba Lončar

    Noemi Castellan

  7. Franco Fabrizi

    Franco Fabrizi

    Lino Benedetti

  8. Gigi Ballista

    Gigi Ballista

    Giacinto Castellan

  9. Gia Sandri

    Gia Sandri

    Betty Scodeler

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Birds, the Bees and the Italians
The Birds, the Bees and the Italians

Original Title Signore e signori

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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