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The Hot Flashes (2013)

R 12/07/13 (US) Comedy 1h 39m
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Everyone thought their glory days were over. Everyone thought wrong.


An unlikely basketball team of unappreciated middle-aged Texas women, all former high school champs, challenge the current high school girls’ state champs to raise money for breast cancer prevention. Sparks fly as the women go to comic extremes to prove themselves on and off the court, become a national media sensation, and gain a new lease on life.

  1. Susan Seidelman


  2. Brad Hennig


Bes geadverteerde rolspelers

  1. Brooke Shields

    Brooke Shields

    Beth Humphrey

  2. Daryl Hannah

    Daryl Hannah

    Ginger Peabody

  3. Wanda Sykes

    Wanda Sykes

    Florine Clarkston

  4. Andrea Frankle

    Andrea Frankle

    Kayla Rash

  5. Virginia Madsen

    Virginia Madsen

    Clementine Winks

  6. Camryn Manheim

    Camryn Manheim

    Roxie Rosales

  7. Eric Roberts

    Eric Roberts

    Lawrence Humphrey

  8. Jessica Rothe

    Jessica Rothe

    Millie Rash

  9. J. Patrick McNamara

    J. Patrick McNamara

    Board President

  10. Bekyk nog

Volledige rolverdeling & bemanning

The Hot Flashes
The Hot Flashes



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