Inglourious Basterds týraly talqylaý

Even better than Pulp Fiction

6 jaýap (1 ishinen 1 betinde)

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I agree. Whilst I still love PF and RD, I think this is his best film overall.

For me, it'd be Jackie Brown.

Yikes no. I enjoyed it up until the ridiculous ending, but that really blew it for me. All of the scenes with either Michael Fassbender or Christoph Waltz were perfection, though. This movie made their careers.

However, I'd much rather watch Jackie Brown as well.

Agree with AlienFanatic, it had some great scenes and performances but was a little too ridiculous for my liking.

@RCH2288 said:

Even better than Pulp Fiction

Inglorious could had been a great film if it was a bit shorter.

@AlienFanatic said:

All of the scenes with either Michael Fassbender or Christoph Waltz were perfection, though. This movie made their careers.

Christoph Waltz was also excellent in Carnage, a completely different kind of movie though.

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