Discuss Back to the Future Part II

To me, infortunately, this movie effectively being set in the past does take away. But the way I compensate for this is to remind myself that it is the future of THEIR 1985, where science has allowed a time machine. Therefore science could be even more fluid and the technological advancements much bigger.

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One of my favorite Simpsons episodes, Lisa's Wedding, takes place in 2010, but everything is futuristic. Given the comedic aspect of BTTF and The Simpsons, I just ignore the date and focus on how people in the 90's thought things would be like.

Lisa's wedding is a great episode.

I like it... it really dates the movie, but also gives you an insight into people's imagination of the future... that's really cool...

I wish they did more of that now... I feel filmmakers are a bit too afraid of their contemporary movies being "dated"...

How do you know the movie is even our timeline? We saw a different timeline when Biff was king. Just think of it as if we are in a different timeline where the Doc maybe didn't succeed in creating his machine.

@Renovatio said:

I like it... it really dates the movie, but also gives you an insight into people's imagination of the future... that's really cool...

I wish they did more of that now... I feel filmmakers are a bit too afraid of their contemporary movies being "dated"...

Movies that make the future not so different to now are just being more realistic. Change since the 2000s has been very incremental. Say for example in 1993, if I saw 1987 footage on tv I'd know right away that it was "the 80s". Yet I sometimes see tv shows and at the end see the date of copyright and its 2012 for example. There is nothing at all to date it for me. Things aren't changing that much like they used to. Only now am I starting to see things that are "dated" about the 2000s in movies and tv, with cellphones and frosty tips on guys the biggest offenders :D

haha... wait a few years when you look back at all this hipster/UFC inspired stuff... or the Instagram girls/guys...

What are frosty tips?

@lantzn said:

What are frosty tips?

Late 90's early 2000's popular hair style. Blonde hair tips. Look up Lance Bass.

No need to look them up once you clearly explained them. My wife and daughter always called them highlights which was probably generic.

Back to the Future's concept of the future is still enjoyable for me. That's why Futurama's great, set in 3000 lol we wouldn't know.

One thing I noticed was that while it's mentioned that aging treatments have certainly been advanced in the movie 2015 MJF, Elizabeth Shue, Flea etc don't look nearly as old even now as they did in BTTFII 2015

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