Keskustele nimikkeestä Cape Fear

Wow, they did a great job at making her look like a jail bait 15 year old. I'm not sure how old she would've been during production, but when the movie was released, I believe she was 18 in 1991. I felt like everyone did a fantastic job in their roles. DeNiro was so awesome as this character. I've watched this version of Cape Fear many times, but it just struck me how they really played up the young teenage girl mannerisms with Juliette Lewis being about 3 years older irl. I felt creepy as hell just watching certain scenes.

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If you've ever seen the 1962 original, just remember that the Danielle character (Nancy, in the original) was played by Lori Martin, who only would've been 14 or 15 in real life at the time (Martin born in 1947, film released in April 1962, production would've been, most likely, sometime in 1961). And they were DEFINITELY going for the creepy factor in that film, having the camera look Martin up and down as Robert Mitchum's MUCH older character gazes at her as she scrubs down a boat deck, after which he threateningly tells her father (played by Gregory Peck) what a "pretty young daughter" he has (can't remember the quote exactly, as it's been awhile since I've seen the film, but it's along those lines).

@northcoast said:

If you've ever seen the 1962 original, just remember that the Danielle character (Nancy, in the original) was played by Lori Martin, who only would've been 14 or 15 in real life at the time (Martin born in 1947, film released in April 1962, production would've been, most likely, sometime in 1961). And they were DEFINITELY going for the creepy factor in that film, having the camera look Martin up and down as Robert Mitchum's MUCH older character gazes at her as she scrubs down a boat deck, after which he threateningly tells her father (played by Gregory Peck) what a "pretty young daughter" he has (can't remember the quote exactly, as it's been awhile since I've seen the film, but it's along those lines).

I'll have to revisit the original film again. That reminded me of the scene where DeNiro and Nolte were talking, and DeNiro saw his wife, and goes, "Mmm mmm hot as a firecracker on the 4th of July! You're damn lucky to have her, boy!" Also, I love when he sees the young girls walking by and says something like, "They're great at that age. So many discoveries ahead of them." LOL what a creep.

Yes, A-Dubya, they did a good job in BOTH films of making Cady really creepy.

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