Über Divergent diskutieren

So putting people in factions maintains the peace. How does that work? The Erudites proved that it didn't by planning the wholesale slaughter of the Abnegates and the factionless. The Abnegates proved it didn't by wanting to destroy the Erudites. The other factions didn't really get much of a mention. Wouldn't it have been easier just to program everybody to just get on with their lives and harm nobody? This is a typical teen saves the world movie with no real sense or plot beyond that. It was two hours too long for what it wanted to say.

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Dude the point of dystopian scifi is to present a ridiculous extreme concept of the future as a cautionary tale for the present.

1984 - A totalitarian society run by propaganda-spewing government stirring up hatred of a nonexistent enemy? Ridiculous!

Logan’s Run - A society that maintains perpetual ignorance because everyone is killed at age 30? WTF!

Rollerball - World peace is achieved by creating a hyper violent sport where everyone can watch athletes beat each other senseless? Silly!

The Matrix - Everything is an illusion and we’re all kept in a bizarre fake reality so we don’t see that we’re actually being harvested? Stoooopid!

That’s the point man. I thought Divergent fit in brilliantly with these crazy scifi concepts. It’s riduculous but it makes you realize that governments have always been trying to control society in ridiculous ways. And getting away with it.

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