Über The 7th Voyage of Sinbad diskutieren

At the 12:31 mark, right after the horn fanfare, there is a 6/4 theme playing that I'm sure I've heard before, but I don't recognize it as Hermann. Any help?

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It is indeed by Herrmann, the piece is called "Overture / Bagdad".


Wow, thanks for the quick reply! Gives me hope for this place.

Hmm. Wonder where I heard it? Some prog band? Can't think of Zappa covering it...

Yeah I'd really like for this place to become a good replacement for IMDb boards.

As for the music, doesn't really ring a bell for me. Maybe somebody else will come over to offer something similar.

I hope so too, it's ridiculous that the IMDB boards were all done away with. Whilst there were a lot of morons posting rubbish on the more recent/ popular films' boards. It was a gold mine for talking about older films I grew up with like the Sinbad trilogy - and many others.

Be good to get a decent sized community going on here for these films, but after checking them today - this is the only post I could find sadly..

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