Star Trek II: Khanův hněv bediscussiëren

"I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her, marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet-- buried alive . . . buried alive."

C'mon, people. I see on the general and TV message boards for TMDB that we have a lot of fans of the Star Trek Original Series on here . . . but nothing yet started for the Star Trek II message board. Step up, people! grin

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He had a fine pair of tits on him too.

"From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."

I always get a chuckle out of that shot of him with half of his face skinned off, after Kirk blasts his ship.

The best of the movies by far, and endlessly re-watchable.

Best villain of the movie series and Khan had good reason to be pissed, none of the lazy Federation bothered to check on his colony!

I'm a die-hard Trek fan and WOK is still my favorite of all the movies, watched it constantly when I was a kid! First Contact is my second fave.


He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before I give him up!

@NotoriousRio said:

Best villain of the movie series and Khan had good reason to be pissed, none of the lazy Federation bothered to check on his colony!

This point needs to be really emphasized because too many screenwriters, especially in action movies, tend to write their villains without a suitable motivation. I feel very strongly that to be a really great villain, they have to have a motivation that actually makes sense and that the audience can accept as a realistic reason for perpetrating the violence. "I'm a villain because I'm evil" simply doesn't cut it because it's rare that someone goes to the lengths that many of these baddies do "just because." I'd love to see more villains written with with sympathetic or justifiable reasons for their actions.

Part of the reason why the introduction of Khan in STID was so utterly pointless.Part of the tension and the villain's depth was of the fact that in TWOK Kirk and Khan had a history together since in STID they never had that history made Khan feel flat and like a villain of the week.

@Nexus71 said:

Part of the reason why the introduction of Khan in STID was so utterly pointless.Part of the tension and the villain's depth was of the fact that in TWOK Kirk and Khan had a history together since in STID they never had that history made Khan feel flat and like a villain of the week.

I really enjoyed the first of the new ST films, but it was so lame going back to Khan in their second film. Especially the way they handled on the promotional circuit.

@NotoriousRio said:

Best villain of the movie series and Khan had good reason to be pissed, none of the lazy Federation bothered to check on his colony!

Well, If I remember correctly, Kirk did that off the record. If he reported that to the federation then they no doubt would have arrested Khan and his ilk since they were in fact wanted fugitives. This was all on Kirk who no doubt had many other things on his mind to go, "Oh yeah, maybe we should check on Khan's colony." 😜

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