Über Meine Lieder, meine Träume diskutieren

Heather Menzies, who played second oldest von Trapp daughter Louisa, died on 24 December at the age of 68. She was the second of the on-screen von Trapp children to pass away after Charmian Carr. RIP.

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That's sad to hear!

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Leisl, Louisa, Charmian Carr, Heather Menzies

Very sad about Heather's passing, as well as Charmian's. Very sad.

Ironically, the real Leisl and Louisa had survived the rest of the original family's first seven children, who had all gone before them (besides those three half-siblings).

So, it's all very sad all the way around except that Angela, Debbie, Kym, Nicholas and Duane are still with us. Oh yeah, and also Julie and Christopher.

@VinTinKin said:

So, it's all very sad all the way around except that Angela, Debbie, Kym, Nicholas and Duane are still with us. Oh yeah, and also Julie and Christopher.

Daniel Truhitte (Rolfe) is still around, too. Not a bad survivor count for a fifty-three year old film.

1234 mountain_snow guitar runner

Daniel Truhitte, yes!

Daniel Truhitte, who "met his first wife, Gabriele, in Austria during the on-location filming was of The Sound of Music (1965). Gabriele was Charmian Carr's Austrian stand-in." (says the Internet)

Gabriele Elisabeth Hennig... "Coincidentally, Daniel Truhitte's first wife's parents' names were Rolf and Liesl." (says the Internet)

Daniel Truhitte - who was born in Sacremento??? That's wild. Why, he sounds even more Alpine than Kurt and Marta.

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