95ers: Time Runners (2013)

PG 2013/02/14 (US) 스릴러SF 1h 36m
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Time does not exist. Only choice.


Time is unraveling, paradoxes are everywhere, and strangers with terrifying technologies are on the hunt. A thrilling, original, ultra indie full-length sci-fi movie that is the story of Sally Biggs, an FBI agent who has the power to rewind time. Her scientist husband has disappeared mysteriously, and the closer she gets to finding him, the more dangerous her life becomes. To save the future and her loved ones, Sally must enter a battlefield she never knew existed. Fortunately, she's a 95er. Surrounded by bizarre timespace paradoxes and hunted by terrifying forces from the future, Sally must discover the earth-shattering truth behind it all before her very being fades out of reality.

  1. Thomas Gomez Durham

    Director, Screenplay, Story

  2. James Durham


  3. Kip Rasmussen


주요 출연진

  1. Alesandra Durham

    Alesandra Durham

    Sally Jo Biggs

  2. Joel Bishop

    Joel Bishop

    Horatio Astaire Biggs

  3. Terence Goodman

    Terence Goodman

    Hamilcar / Special Agent in Charge

  4. Ian Paul Freeth

    Ian Paul Freeth


  5. Chris Laird

    The Captain

  6. Anne Sward

    Anne Sward


  7. K. Danor Gerald

    K. Danor Gerald


  8. Alix Maria Taulbee

    Alix Maria Taulbee


  9. Christopher Robin Miller

    Christopher Robin Miller


  10. 더 보기

총 출연진 & 제작진

95ers: Time Runners에 추가된 동영상, 배경사진, 포스터 없음.

상태 개봉됨

원어 영어

제작비 $750.00

수익 -


문서 점수 


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