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Is this the best revenge movie?

I think it might be... I prefer it to Inglorious Basterds or Django Unchained...

This seemed more purely about revenge...


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I respect Kill Bill: Vol. 1 purely for this aspect of it.

The finger gun, while smiling at the same time, can't be matched, not even by Bruce Willis. grin

I never liked Death Wish much.

I always found it a bit silly that he would just be walking along and randomly found a bunch of criminals to punish. Over and over again.

What actually is the best revenge movie is a good question. There are so many to chose from.

I'd say Get Carter, Dead Man's Shoes, Kill Bill, Once Upon a Time in the West and Robocop are my fave revenge films.

@mechajutaro said:

Inglorious Basterds or Django Unchained

Believe we might be flirting with mischaracterization to dub either of these revenge films; the central plot of both IG and Django is one of men on a mission, with vengeance being a secondary motive. Recall that Jamie Foxx eliminates Lil'Rog early on in the movie and that the rest of his time is devoted to rescuing Brunhild

It's a pretext for Tarantino's rage against his dad who wasn't there for him growing up... It's in all his movies and also shows the contraditary view Tarantinonhas with his main female characters who he idolises yet brutalises, which is his conflicting feelings towards his mother...

It'll all very Oedipal...

Speilberg had a similar, daddy issues, phase where these oedipal issues were front and centre, but he matured and outgrew it once he reconciled with his father thereby giving us some of his better films like Catch Me If You Can, which was a way of telling his father that he understands the difficulty in being a man... He shows us the power of empathy...

Tarantino is still trapped trying to seek revenge and raging at his father... His art is very personal... These are still his revenge movies...

@Renovatio said:

It's a pretext for Tarantino's rage against his dad who wasn't there for him growing up... It's in all his movies and also shows the contraditary view Tarantinonhas with his main female characters who he idolises yet brutalises, which is his conflicting feelings towards his mother...

Tarantino's not going to be very happy with you breaking patient/therapist confidentiality now, Renovatio :p

The Outlaw Josey Wales

  1. The Chaser
  2. The Revenant
  3. The Duellists (if you can call it a revenge tale. Revenge for losing honor?)
  4. Oldboy
  5. A History of Violence

The Secret in their Eyes. Best revenge movie hands down.

The Crow

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