Über Die Reise ins Labyrinth diskutieren

I have never cared if a movie was a flop when it came out. I like a movie because I like it, and this one is very interesting. It did not do well at the box office, but I loved it. I think David Bowie was very good as Jareth, and Jennifer was great as Sarah. Who hasn't wanted their younger siblings to "disappear" from time to time. Parts of it are a bit strange, but that is one of the things I love about it.

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I watched this only after the death of David Bowie, I wasn’t expecting much but I’m a fan of Bowie and its one of his movies I’d never seen. I was pleasantly surprised, it was a decent enough story, the acting was ok and the puppets were well made. Loved the designs of the Goblins too!

I'm confused by your question. Are asking why people didn't like it when it came out or why it's not getting the recognition now? Because I it's got quite the cult following and beloved by many. Labyrinth was my introduction to Bowie, and I absolutely adore the movie and the legend.

I don't think I've ever met anybody who doesn't at least like this film! It is beloved around these parts.

@MirrorMask said:

I'm confused by your question. Are asking why people didn't like it when it came out or why it's not getting the recognition now? Because I it's got quite the cult following and beloved by many. Labyrinth was my introduction to Bowie, and I absolutely adore the movie and the legend.

I suppose it a bit of both...the movie not being loved then or now. I was reading up on it this weekend, on IMDb, before everything got wiped, and there were several messages from people saying they didn't like it and it was a flop at the box office. I was rather young at the time, but I remember being mesmerized by it...as young girls tend to do. I saw Sarah as a princess for some reason, at the time. Plus, there didn't seem to be anyone posting about it here, so the movie seemed unloved. I am glad to see that is not the case!

Yeah, as much as I hated that IMDb removed the boards, that site was plagued with trolls.

The problem with wiping it due to trolls, is that they will just migrate to other sites. I am sure they will end up here too. I will miss the content, it's a travesty that it all had to be lost. They could have left it up for people to read, even if they couldn't post. i am also not convinced that was the reason, it was just a convenient excuse.

@MirrorMask said:

Yeah, as much as I hated that IMDb removed the boards, that site was plagued with trolls.

But every board is, eventually. Until recently, I was a subscriber to the digital version of the Wall Street Journal. Even there, where users pay $33 per month for access, there are a number of acrimonious, toxic commenters. But though I've decided to discontinue my subscription after many years--I'm tired of keeping company with the Trump conservatives that are overrepresented among the community--I'd never wish for them to close their comments. Trolls can be easily ignored and quickly lose interest if people stop paying them the attention they crave. Sadly, people that should know better perpetuate the ugly community by giving the trolls what they want.

Wow, even on a paid subscription site...that is very sad. But you are correct that if people ignored them, they would go away.

The Block user option was a great feature on imdb. Not sure why everyone didn't use it.

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