The Tree, the Mayor and the Mediatheque (1993)

02/10/1993 (FR) ComedyDrama 1h 50m
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The socialist mayor of a small village in France dreams of building an arts center but he runs up against some opposition.

  1. Éric Rohmer

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Pascal Greggory

    Pascal Greggory

    Julien Dechaumes

  2. Arielle Dombasle

    Arielle Dombasle

    Bérénice Beaurivage

  3. Fabrice Luchini

    Fabrice Luchini

    Marc Rossignol, l’instituteur

  4. Clémentine Amouroux

    Clémentine Amouroux

    Blandine Lenoir

  5. François-Marie Banier

    François-Marie Banier

    Régis Lebrun-Blondet

  6. Michel Jaouen

    Antoine Pergola

  7. Jean Parvulesco

    Jean Walter

  8. Galaxie Barbouth

    Zoé Rossignol

  9. Jessica Schwing

    Véga Dechaumes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Tree, the Mayor and the Mediatheque
The Tree, the Mayor and the Mediatheque

Original Title L'Arbre, le Maire et la Médiathèque

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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