Sodom and Gomorrah (1922)

10/13/1922 (AT) Drama 1h 38m
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Exposed to bad influences since childhood, Mary, a young girl is pushed by her mother to approach an elderly banker by the name of Harber. After almost driving her fiancee to suicide and seducing his mentally-ill son, she realizes through a metaphorical dream the scope of her negligence. Sentenced to prison for incitement to murder Harber, she sees herself as a parallel figure to Lea, Lot's wife in Sodom, where the Angel of the Lord warns the sinful citizens of the city of their impending doom. Lea oppresses the angel and eventually turns it over to the pagan priests when her sexual advances to it are rejected. In another dream sequence, Mary becomes the Queen of Syria, whose oppressed people turn against her and who, in turn, condemns a young man who loves her to death. Finally, her dream returns to the present time and when she awakens, she runs back to her former lover.

  1. Michael Curtiz

    Director, Writer

  2. Ladislaus Vajda


Top Billed Cast

  1. Georg Reimers

    Mr. Jackson Harber

  2. Victor Varconi

    Victor Varconi

    Priester des Lyzeums - Engel des Herrn

  3. Lucy Doraine

    Lucy Doraine

    Mary Conway / Das Weib des Lot / Lia, Königin von Syrien

  4. Erika von Wagner

    Mrs. Agathe Conway - Marys Mutter

  5. Walter Slezak

    Walter Slezak

    Eduard Harber - Student am Cambridge-Lyzeum / Ein Goldschmied von Galiläa

  6. Kurt Ehrle

    Harry Lighton - Bildhauer / Lot

  7. Paul Askonas

  8. Richard Berczeller


  9. Gyula Szöreghy

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Sodom and Gomorrah
Sodom and Gomorrah

Original Title Sodom und Gomorrha

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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