The Lady Medic (1976)

T 01/01/1976 (IT) Comedy 1h 45m
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A man is desperately trying to avoid mandated military service, but a sexy medic proves to be his undoing.

  1. Nando Cicero

    Director, Writer

  2. Francesco Milizia


Top Billed Cast

  1. Edwige Fenech

    Edwige Fenech

    Doctor Elena Dogliozzi

  2. Alvaro Vitali

    Alvaro Vitali

    Alvaro Pappalardo

  3. Alfredo Pea

    Alfredo Pea

    Gianni Montano

  4. Carlo Delle Piane

    Carlo Delle Piane

    Medical captain

  5. Gianfranco D'Angelo

    Gianfranco D'Angelo

    Prof. Federico Frustalupi

  6. Mario Carotenuto

    Mario Carotenuto

    Colonel Farina

  7. Guerrino Crivello

    Guerrino Crivello

    Armando Mazzucca, the soldier without genital organs

  8. Angelo Pellegrino

    Angelo Pellegrino

    Oreste Marmittoni, the transvestite

  9. Dante Cleri

    Patient in the garden

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Lady Medic
The Lady Medic

Original Title La dottoressa del distretto militare

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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