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Number 24 (2024)

R 01/01/2025 (US) WarHistoryDrama 1h 52m
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On the brink of the Second World War, a young Norwegian man's drive to resist the Nazis sets a new course for his future – and the future of his country.

  1. John Andreas Andersen


  2. Christopher Grøndahl


  3. Erlend Loe


  4. Vibeke Idsøe


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sjur Vatne Brean

    Sjur Vatne Brean

    Gunnar Sønsteby (young)

  2. Erik Hivju

    Erik Hivju

    Gunnar Sønsteby (old)

  3. Philip Helgar

    Philip Helgar

    Edvard Tallaksen

  4. Magnus Dugdale

    Magnus Dugdale

    Andreas Aubert

  5. Jakob Maanum Trulsen

    Erling Solheim

  6. Jacob Jensen

    Jacob Jensen

    Jens Christian Hauge

  7. Flo Fagerli

    Flo Fagerli

    Anne Solheim

  8. Ines Høysæter Asserson

    Ines Høysæter Asserson

    Reidun Andersen

  9. Lisa Loven Kongsli

    Lisa Loven Kongsli

    Gudrun Collett

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Number 24
Number 24

Original Title Nr. 24

Status Released

Original Language Norwegian

Budget -

Revenue $3,301,976.00


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