Über Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten diskutieren

I watch it maybe 2-3 times a year, a soothing experience, it's my favourite film of the trilogy (yes, I prefer it over The return of the King), I love its cinematography, music, dialogue, pacing, overall mood.

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It's definitely the most rewatchable of the franchise(s).

I think RotK is as rewatchable as FotR. I think the series as a whole is the most rewatchable series...ever. (And the best) grin

@luthien said:

I think RotK is as rewatchable as FotR. I think the series as a whole is the most rewatchable series...ever. (And the best) grin

can't argue with that :)

If you like that sort of thing, then yes. I find watching men sitting in trees for three hours to be somewhat unappealing.

Each to his own, I guess.

Feel-good film for me like very comforting once it shows the hobbits and the music.

Definitely one of the most rewatchable trilogies ever!! I LOVE these films (not The Hobbit) so much and after 15 years since it came out I finally went to New Zealand visiting both the North and South Islands last year (2016). What an experience.

I was in awe when I first saw FOTR in the cinema. I had never seen anything like it. What a visual treat and engaging story. I could not wait for the next two films to follow and cried so much at the end of ROTK. Really felt like we were on that journey with them.

I would recommend watching the 'Making Ofs' for each film. Truly amazing work and a lot of love went into making these movies.

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