Über Das Wunder von Manhattan diskutieren

This wonderful, beloved holiday classic certainly has charm and feel-good galore and is the perfect addition to any Thanksgiving through Christmas season. The casting, performances, script (and of course story), direction, sets, and location shooting is all spot-on perfect and truly magical.

Edmund Gwenn is the ultimate delightful and completely believable Kris Kringle. Talented little Natalie Wood is marvelous as the skeptical child. And Maureen O'Hara is terrific as the caring career-woman single mother.

Please check out the following list of titles and celebrities I've created TMDb threads for: https://www.themoviedb.org/list/118052

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Just finished watching it for the zilionth time. I just never get tired of it. I love Maureen O'Hara in anything.

I also like the newer version with Dylan McDermott.

I think that, more than any other classic holiday film, this is my fave that used to annually air on t.v. during my growing up and early adulthood years. It came on every Thanksgiving Day early afternoon, and I never failed to watch it then - then typically also would watch it again when it would re-air on or close to Christmas Day. This was an absolute essential must of each holiday season back during those years. I'm still crazy about it.

This truly has everything going for it and is a real treat.

Ideal film to enjoy on Thanksgiving Day, as the entire first several minutes of the movie feature and are set at the actual annual huge Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

..also see these threads..

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