Me and the Colonel (1958)

e 12 1958/10/01 (US) 코미디전쟁 1h 49m
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Here's Fun! Danny Panics the Wehrmacht in his own brand of war!


Nazis are about to overrun France, and a Jewish man named Jacobowsky is stranded in Paris. He hitches a ride with reluctant Polish serviceman Colonel Prokoszny, who harbors a bias against Jews. They are soon joined by Prokoszny's bride-to-be, Suzanne, who takes an immediate liking to the engaging Jacobowsky. This furthers the hostility between Jacobowsky and Prokoszny, but they must put their differences aside to evade the Nazis trailing them.

  1. Peter Glenville


  2. George Froeschel


  3. S. N. Behrman


주요 출연진

  1. Danny Kaye

    Danny Kaye

    S.L. Jacobowsky

  2. Curd Jürgens

    Curd Jürgens

    Colonel Prokoszny

  3. Nicole Maurey

    Nicole Maurey

    Suzanne Roualet

  4. Françoise Rosay

    Françoise Rosay

    Madame Bouffier

  5. Akim Tamiroff

    Akim Tamiroff


  6. Martita Hunt

    Martita Hunt

    Mother Superior

  7. Alexander Scourby

    Alexander Scourby

    Major Von Bergen

  8. Liliane Montevecchi

    Liliane Montevecchi


  9. Ludwig Stössel

    Ludwig Stössel

    Dr. Szicki

  10. 더 보기

총 출연진 & 제작진

Me and the Colonel
Me and the Colonel

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