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Tommy (1975)

PG 03/19/1975 (US) DramaMusic 1h 51m
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After a series of traumatic childhood events, a psychosomatically deaf, dumb and blind boy becomes a master pinball player and the object of a religious cult.

  1. Ken Russell

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Oliver Reed

    Oliver Reed


  2. Ann-Margret



  3. Roger Daltrey

    Roger Daltrey


  4. Elton John

    Elton John

    The Pinball Wizard

  5. Eric Clapton

    Eric Clapton

    The Preacher

  6. John Entwistle

    John Entwistle


  7. Keith Moon

    Keith Moon

    Uncle Ernie

  8. Paul Nicholas

    Paul Nicholas

    Cousin Kevin

  9. Jack Nicholson

    Jack Nicholson

    The Specialist

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


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