The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro (2025)

NR 06/01/2025 (US) MysteryComedyFantasy

Those who do not learn history are doomed.


A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to regret their decision to not fully appreciate the Liberator of Brazil.

  1. Don Swanson

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Joe Fishel

    Screenplay, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. André Santana

    Prince Dom Pedro (voice)

  2. Rachel O'Day


  3. Madeline Sclichter


  4. Joe Fishel

    Joe Fishel

    Senor Clarke/Bigfoot/Prince Dom Pedro

  5. Christopher Kai

    Mr. D'Ath

  6. Allen Enlow

    Allen Enlow

    Dr. Sylvia, Your Building Principal (voice)

  7. Angela Kuzel


  8. Jaden Brown


  9. Anthony Babeaux


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro

Status Post Production

Original Language English

Budget $20,000.00

Revenue -


Content Score 


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