讨论 Star Wars

According to most literary theory, Star Wars is more fantasy than science fiction. Here, simplified, are three axes:

When did the story take place - Science fictions tends to be set in a specified future (eg., Los Angeles 2019); fantasy tends to be set in an ambiguous past.

Where did the story take place - Science fiction tends to be set in a real place (eg, Los Angeles); fantasy tends to be not earth, or at least, not any earth that has places we recognize today (eg, "middle earth"...??). Star Wars' opening narrative crawl tells us right up front, "A long time ago (the when) in a galaxy far, far away (so, NOT "here"). We will recognize things in science fiction that are a part of our word. We will be immersed in fantasy worlds that are not ours with little to recognize.

How was the story driven forward - science fiction tends to try to explain the critical technology - terminators, ED-209s, replicants, flux capacitors; fantasy tends to just present magic (the force) and magical beasties (wookies, ewoks, orcs and elves) matter of factly.

I do appreciate that it isn't just as simple as I've presented above; there are compelling arguments supporting Star Wars as science fiction. But, given how cleanly the simplistic explanation above clarifies easily recognizable differences, and that other sources do indeed refer to Star Wars as fantasy, not science fiction, it should not be "closed to debate" and our page should not be closed to supporting the argument by preventing the editing of the genre classification tag.

To whatever degree, it is more or less of either, then, at the very least, even as we keep the science fiction classification, we ought also be able to add "fantasy" as a genre tag to this page, because of the argument.

I think we should add fantasy to Star Wars' genre classification.

But, what do you think? Should we - can we - adjust TMDb's genre classification tag to include fantasy?

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100% agree - Star Wars is a fantasy film



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