Shangri-La Plaza (1990)

1990-07-30 (US)
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"Shangri-La Plaza" is a musical-comedy pilot made for CBS-TV in 1990. The all-sung “Shangri-La Plaza” was directed by Nick Castle and written and created by Mark Mueller and Nick Castle. It starred The Office’s Melora Hardin, Chris Sarandon and Broadway’s original Beast and Javert Terrence Mann, a two-time Tony Award Nominee for Best Actor. It also featured the very young tap dancing phenomenon Savion Glover in one of his first television appearances. The pilot was filmed on location in an actual mini-mall at the corner of Vineland Avenue and Burbank Boulevard in North Hollywood, California.

  1. Nick Castle

    Director, Writer

  2. Mark Mueller


  3. Craig Safan


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Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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