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Little Red Riding Wolf (2023)

12 04/05/2023 (ES) Comedy 1h 32m
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A wolf is a little hood that has learned to laugh at herself. And that is the greatest superpower that exists because when we convert to humor there is nothing that can harm us. A story that shows us that we are all pathetic in love but that learning to laugh at it automatically turns drama into comedy. And therefore Little Red Riding Hood as a wolf. The conversion process of Marta, our protagonist, will take her several years and several "uncles", from when she decides to become a wolf until she achieves it, because she will have to learn that laughter is not reached by avoiding the forest of drama but by going through it until the bottom. Submitting to the "oyster-essay" method, he will go through a lot of pathetic situations until he learns to abandon self-deception and face reality, discovering that laughter springs from drama and laughter springs... power.

  1. Chus Gutiérrez


  2. Marta González de Vega


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Little Red Riding Wolf
Little Red Riding Wolf

Original Title De Caperucita a loba

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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