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Producer and co-writer Bob Gale of the "Back to the Future" movie trilogy has stated on the BBC News that there will never be a reboot or remake of the movie.

Excerpt from Back to the Future Co-Creator Refuses to Ever Do a Reboot, Comparing It to Prostitution:

That we've seen no reboot of Back to the Future thus far hasn't been for a lack of trying from the fat cats in Hollywood. Gale says he's been approached countless times in the past with studios offering large amounts of money to relinquish the rights, but Gale says he's already "made a lot of money" and remains adamant that the hit movie franchise has run its course. Officially, a new movie can't ever happen without the permission of Gale and director Robert Zemeckis, however, as the two actually had it written into their contracts with Universal that no new Back to the Future movie can be made without them giving it the greenlight.

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That is, until they've both passed on and their respective estates have no qualms with cashing in. It'll come eventually.

Could it be? A movie producer with principles?

I feel like most reboots/remake of movies doesn't need to be made as there's barely a valid reason to have it beside trying to milk the IP they have like a cash-cow. High respect for him!

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