Diskutuoti apie Supernova

I just watched this oldish movie and it wasn't brilliant or original but it wasn't bad. I like James Spader and he looked good in this movie - he always gives a good performance so he didn't disappoint. I spent most of the movie wondering when Robin Tunney was ever going to close her mouth - I think she must have a sinus condition !! It was good to see that there wasn't a "oh dear" ending for a change where you think everything is OK but that last bee just keeps on twitching !! That is a compulsory boring ending these days. FYI personal attackers will be put on ignored - so rant into the void if you need to.

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I agree. This really is an odd movie. Parts of it are really good, other parts are so bad it had me wondering if it was intentional parody. What to make of Spader's odd vocal delivery for example. His lines are spat out in flat line monotone; like the cool kid in class who is asked to read a passage from Shakespeare but doesn't want anyone to think he is gay so gallops thu it. Yes, I am reading these lines but I will not emote damn you. Other parts are self consciously derivative. To be clear, being derivative in SF is hardly unusual, but the self consciousness is new. Was it a question of 'Ok, we know this is lifted from Alien/Black Hole/2001/Event Horizon but just go with us on this' or is it 'Hey, look at this, we are doing that thing from the other movie'. I mean, am I supposed to pretend I haven't noticed or to give a thumbs up for some fan service?

I understand this had a troubled production history which might explain why the movie seems to want to pull in different directions. Worth a look for the parts that are novel, and the visual effects of FTL travel are done in a way I haven't seen before.

@strangebedfellows said:

I just watched this oldish movie and it wasn't brilliant or original but it wasn't bad. I like James Spader and he looked good in this movie - he always gives a good performance so he didn't disappoint. I spent most of the movie wondering when Robin Tunney was ever going to close her mouth - I think she must have a sinus condition !! It was good to see that there wasn't a "oh dear" ending for a change where you think everything is OK but that last bee just keeps on twitching !! That is a compulsory boring ending these days. FYI personal attackers will be put on ignored - so rant into the void if you need to.

Probably because the studio butchered the film so much that director Walter Hill ended up disowning it.

Probably because the studio butchered the film so much that director Walter Hill ended up disowning it.

That's a shame.

SB, didja see James Spader in Pretty in Pink? He makes a pretty strong villain, if ya ask me.

SB, didja see James Spader in Pretty in Pink? He makes a pretty strong villain, if ya ask me.

No - I haven't seen that - it may be on Prime - I'll check it out if it is. I agree he is a strong villain - he is pretty cool in comedy too.

Yea, Avengers: Age of Ultron hasn't got squat on--you guessed it--Pretty in Pink.

Negalite rasti filmo ar TV laidos? Prisijunkite, kad sukurtumėte.


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