Über Teaching Mrs. Tingle diskutieren

I couldn't get through it. Maybe I'll try again.

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It was okay, nothing special but watchable and gets better near the end. The biggest problem I had was how unbearably stupid the Katie Holmes character was, however Helen Mirren did a good job with what she had and was worth watching for her if nothing else.

Ok thanks maybe I'll try to finish it. I didn't delete it from my DVr. I was just looking for a fun movie last night to soften the Monday blahs. I still just wasn't feeling it at 50 minute mark which was when I turned it off

I haven't thought of this movie in over a decade. I was a huge Katie Holmes fan from Dawson's Creek and Barry Watson fan from 7th Heaven and the movie is terrible. I have no idea what Helen Mirren was doing in this movie.

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