Ãœber Taxi Driver diskutieren

In jeder Stadt, in jeder Strasse gibt es einen Niemand, der davon träumt, jemand zu sein.

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I've translated only the english one into german. wink But when i take a look at your first poster/image, than we can see, my translation is not quite far away. Ok, let's take the Tagline from your image post: "In jeder Straße ist ein niemand, der davon träumt, Jemand zu sein. Er ist ein einsamer, vergessener Mann, der verzweifelt zu beweisen versucht, daß er lebt."

Aha! Oh yeah, we don't usually manually translate the English tagline, it's really what's on the local posters used! :) I'll put it there, and if someone thinks differently (because it's not really a tag line sentence like we're used to -- at least nowadays) then we can discuss it further!

Also, in the future, please use the "report" button when reporting something that needs to be fixed/deleted or otherwise looked at. It will automatically generate a link to the entry and such, so we don't have to go back and forth.

Ok, sorry, that I didn't know that. So, yesterday I ran through a lot of Films and translated the Tagline from english to german. You can see it, when you take a look at my editing history.

please don't do this, we only use the taglines used officially for every country

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