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Story got more and more far fetched but it wasn't too bad. Acting wasn't great except Billy Bob who I thought was really good (don't think I've ever seen him in a film before). But overall it was enjoyable and worth a watch.

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i think it's fantastic. i'm puzzled that it doesn't receive more acclaim.

Yea it was better than most stuff I've seen recently.

It's a great film with amazing performances from all especially Billy Bob. Reminded me a little of MacBeth.

@microscope said:

Story got more and more far fetched but it wasn't too bad. Acting wasn't great except Billy Bob who I thought was really good (don't think I've ever seen him in a film before). But overall it was enjoyable and worth a watch.

This is six years late BUT I can't believe you haven't seen him in any other movies! He's been around since the 1980s!

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