Über Toy Story 3 diskutieren

Something's that always bothered me is Andy having to pack up all of his stuff and empty out his room just because he's going to college. Everyone's college experience is different, but when I went to school, I just packed up what I needed because I would come home for Christmas and summer breaks, and my room would still be my room. Why does Andy have to get rid of EVERYTHING like he's never coming back? Was he getting his own apartment as opposed to a dorm, and therefore he COULD take everything?

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agree. That bothered me watching the film as well.

I try to justify in my head that Andy's mother was thinking of renting out the room to another tenant or she was going to use it as some sort of home office and that's why she wanted Andy to vacate everything.

Of course, that brings into question where Andy was going to sleep once he came to visit.

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